Friday, May 24, 2013

Transform yourself with Schick

"If you had the powers of MAN OF STEEL for one (1) week, how would you use it?"

It is easy question for me, Why? because I'm a Fan of Superman. Not necessarily obvious in the picture below. :P

Note: This is my old photo from my old personal box :p

Superman/Man of Steel Logo
Anyway that is Introduction in the question (because avid fan since I like Superman / Man of Steel when I was young until now). Superman or Man of Steel in the modern times, He has three MAIN SUPER POWERS - Flight, Speed, and Strength so I want these three main super powers and have it.

FLIGHT - The Power I like best for Superman/Man of Steel Powers even if other superheroes can also has it. If you can compare from the other superheroes, Superman/Man of Steel fly powers can go to the outer space! (that is what I observed). If I had this power, I will use it in one (1) week to fly in the air because I wanted see the clouds behind it for my personal reason, because Superman/Man of Steel is a superhero that contributes to the people, I will use my power FLIGHT to spy in all places that if the villain came (maybe a person or a natural disaster) I will warn them.

SPEED - The Power that you can't beat Superman/Man of Steel and even co-superheroes, such as almost invisible due to excessive speed. If I had this power, I will use it in one (1) week to do my household chores, daily exercise, going to school, doing my assignments/seatwors/projects (I am energetic hahahahaha!) for my personal reason but again Superman/Man of Steel is a superhero that contributes to the people, I will use my power SPEED to rescue the people at risk and to help the people who are in need in more of speeds.

STRENGTH - The Power that Superman/Man of Steel is great and brave. Can lift the heavy objects, Can able to compete with the mob and many more! If I had this power, I will use it in one (1) week like my Speed Power to my Household Chores, Daily Doing and many more for myself but again and again that Superman/Man of Steel is a superhero and I will use my power STRENGTH to eliminate the evil person or thing. 

All my answers is common but surely I am a Filipino who fight our nation given a week's Superman/Man of Steel strength to use it in right. 

Overall, All the powers of Superman/Man of Steel is a talent given by God (maybe that's fact). I am satisfied with whatever God gave for my talent but the One Week empowerment of Superman / Man of Steel is you are extremely lucky.

Man of Steel will open on June 12 and Schick is giving you a chance to win Man of Steel tickets and hundreds of souvenir items like Key Chains, Notebooks, Headphones, Speakers, Flash Drives, Bags and many more!

For more Information, visit:

Schick. Free Your Skin.

Per DTI-NCR Permit No.1843 Series of 2013.


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